healthy protein bites

The Power-Packed Punch of Protein Bites

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healthy protein bites

In the world of health-conscious snacking, protein bites have emerged as a star player, offering a convenient and nutritious way to fuel up on the go. These bite-sized wonders are more than just a trendy snack; they pack a nutritional punch that supports various dietary goals and lifestyles.

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Not sure how well you all know me, but I’m fairly certain that I could out-eat every single one of you.

Don’t get me wrong…I am a complete lady about it.  I know you just envisioned that hot-dog eating guy throwin’ back 100 dogs in 6 minutes.  Sorry to disappoint you, but I am far more graceful than that.

Remember, I cook multiple times a day and bake at least every other day.  This is lots of food to “test” (good excuse) so I have become accustomed to nibbling.


But that’s okay, right?  It’s all in a days work, right?
Please say right.

But, when you chow down on lots of food, and you are my age, things can get ugly…fast.

Hence (long story even longer), my foray into some really awesome healthy nibbles.  These are awesome…seriously.

What You’ll Need to Make Protein Bites:

  • bananas
  • protein powder
  • nut butter
  • dates
  • chocolate chips (dark chocolate would be best!!)


Nutritional Benefits of Protein Bites

Protein, the cornerstone of these bites, plays a crucial role in the body’s daily functions. From repairing tissues to boosting metabolism, its benefits are huge! Protein bites typically get their protein content from ingredients like nuts, seeds, protein powders, or even legumes, making sure that they cater to different dietary preferences.

Muscle Repair and Growth: One of the primary functions of protein is muscle repair and growth. For fitness enthusiasts, athletes, or those simply looking to maintain muscle mass, protein bites offer a convenient post-workout snack that aids in recovery.

Satiety and Weight Management: Protein is well-known for its “filling” effect, helping to curb cravings and keeping you less hungry. Making these protein bites can help you control your appetite and support weight management goals.

Steady Energy Release: Unlike sugary snacks that cause energy spikes and crashes, protein bites provide a sustained release of energy. This steady energy flow makes them an ideal choice for potentially maintaining focus and productivity throughout the day.

Nutrient-Dense Ingredients: Beyond protein, these bites often feature nutrient-dense ingredients such as oats, dried fruits, and natural sweeteners like honey or dates. These additions not only enhance flavor but also contribute essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber to promote overall well-being.

Freezing and Storage Tips

To maximize freshness and convenience, proper storage of protein bites is key:

Freezing: Protein bites can be frozen for extended shelf life. Place them in an airtight container or freezer bag, ensuring they are well-sealed to prevent freezer burn. Frozen protein bites can typically be stored for up to three to six months without compromising taste or nutritional quality.

Refrigeration: If freezing isn’t your preference, refrigeration is another effective way to maintain freshness. Store protein bites in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. This method ensures they remain firm and ready to grab whenever hunger strikes.

Room Temperature: Protein bites can also be kept at room temperature for short periods, usually up to one week, provided they are stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. However, for longer-term storage and optimal freshness, refrigeration or freezing is recommended.

Embracing Protein Bites in Your Routine

Incorporating protein bites into your diet is not only beneficial but also versatile. They serve as a perfect pre-workout snack, a quick breakfast option, or a wholesome treat between meals. Their portable nature makes them ideal for busy lifestyles, ensuring you can nourish your body wherever your day takes you.









Other Recipes You’ll Love (if you love these Protein Bites):

Protein bites are more than just a snack; they embody a commitment to balanced nutrition and mindful eating. With their rich protein content and nutrient-packed ingredients, they offer a delicious way to support your health and wellness goals. Whether you make them at home or pick them up from your local health food store, protein bites are a tasty reminder that good nutrition can be both accessible and enjoyable.

Next time you’re looking for a snack that satisfies both taste buds and nutritional needs, consider reaching for a protein bite. Your body will thank you for the fuel, and your taste buds will appreciate the flavorful journey.

So, there’s the scoop.  Having trouble curbing your appetite?  Go on…make a batch of these.

You’re welcome!

*Inspired by the folks over at The Minimalist Baker!!

healthy protein bites

Healthy Protein Bites


  • 1 1/3 cups dates
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1 cup oats
  • 2 small bananas
  • 2 tbsp natural nut butter
  • 1/4 cup protein powder
  • 1/3 cup chocolate chips


  • Get all of your ingredients ready (nothing sucks more than getting half way through a recipe only to realize you’re missing something!).  Preheat your oven to 350 and line a cookie sheet with parchment (or spray with cooking spray).
  • Throw the dates in a food processor and chop…
  • Add the walnuts…chop.
  • Add the oats…chop
  • Add bananas and nut butter…blend (see, I told you it was easy!)
  • Add protein powder and chocolate chips (if you’re using them)…blend
  • Using a small scoop (or two teaspoons), place scoops of dough onto the prepared cookie sheet.
  • With a fork, press gently to flatten a bit.
  • If you like, you can add a couple of chips to the top of the cookies before baking.
  • Bake for about 18 minutes (check often…because there are no eggs to cook, you don’t have to worry about under cooking).  They won’t really brown on top but check the bottoms as they will be ready when the bottoms begin to brown (they will be moist on the inside).So there you have it.  High protein, high fibre, low fat, gluten/dairy/egg/sugar free goodness.


If the dates are fresh, just pit them; if they are hard, soak them in warm water for 10 minutes before using
Walnuts are a great way to boost your omega 3’s
If you use semi-sweet or milk chocolate chips, of course, they now won’t be sugar free but they will be yummy!
You can use peanut, almond, cashew, or any nut butter
healthy protein bites
healthy protein bites