chicken en papillote pre-cooking

9 Ways to Cook Tender Chicken Breasts

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chicken en papillote pre-cooking

How to cook tender chicken breasts can be a challenge for many home chefs. Often, instead of moist and succulent breasts, we end up with something dry and bland which leaves us disappointed. But fear not! In this blog post, we will explore various cooking techniques that promise to deliver moist and tender chicken breasts every time. And we need to learn how to cook these amazing because they are low in calories (150 per breast), low in fat (3g per breast) and high in protein (27g per breast) which makes it a great choice (more on it’s health benefit here)! So, grab your apron and let’s embark on a culinary journey to discover the secrets of achieving perfectly juicy chicken breasts!

Say goodbye to dry and flavorless chicken breasts! By incorporating these cooking techniques into your culinary repertoire, you’ll be able to consistently enjoy moist and tender chicken breasts. Whether you choose to brine, poach, cook en papillote, or sear, your taste buds will be delighted with the moist, flavorful, and satisfying results every time. Happy cooking!

A Few Points You Need To Know When Cooking Tender Chicken Breasts:

  1. Choose High-Quality Chicken: The first step in cooking tender chicken breasts begins with selecting high-quality meat. Opt for organic or free-range chicken breasts whenever possible, as they tend to be more tender and flavorful. Look for chicken breasts that are plump and have a pinkish color, indicating freshness. Avoid breasts that have a slimy texture or an off odor.
  2. Properly Season and Marinate: To enhance the flavor and tenderize the chicken breasts, it’s crucial to season and marinate them beforehand. Start by seasoning the breasts generously with salt, pepper, and your preferred herbs and spices. For additional tenderness, marinate the chicken in a mixture of acidic ingredients like lemon juice, vinegar, yogurt, or buttermilk. Acidic marinades help break down the muscle fibers, resulting in a more tender texture. Allow the chicken breasts to marinate for at least 30 minutes or up to overnight in the refrigerator.
  3. Tenderize with a Mallet: If you want to further tenderize your chicken breasts, try using a meat mallet or a rolling pin. Place the chicken breasts between two sheets of plastic wrap or in a resealable plastic bag and gently pound them with the mallet or rolling pin. Start from the center and work your way outwards, being careful not to tear the meat. This technique helps break down the muscle fibers, resulting in a more tender texture.
  4. Use a Meat Thermometer: To ensure your chicken breasts are cooked to perfection, invest in a meat thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the breast, making sure it doesn’t touch the bone. The safe internal temperature for chicken breasts is 165°F (74°C). This will help you avoid undercooking or overcooking the meat, resulting in tender and juicy chicken every time.
  5. Optimal Cooking Techniques: The cooking method you choose can greatly impact the tenderness of your chicken breasts. Avoid overcooking, as it can result in dry and tough meat. Instead, opt for methods that retain moisture and promote even cooking. Some great options include grilling, baking, pan-searing, or poaching. If you choose to grill or bake, ensure you preheat the grill or oven to the appropriate temperature. For pan-searing, use a hot skillet and sear each side of the chicken breasts until they develop a golden-brown crust. Poaching involves gently simmering the chicken breasts in flavorful liquid until cooked through. Below are the most popular methods to get that tender chicken breast that everyone is looking for!
9 Ways to Cook Tender Chicken Breasts Just Crumbs Blog by Suzie Durigon
a mallet and a meat thermometer
9 Ways to Cook Tender Chicken Breasts Just Crumbs Blog by Suzie Durigon
chicken marinated in a simple basil chimichurri and frozen raw for a quick weeknight meal

4 Methods to Get You The Most Tender Chicken breasts Ever:

  1. Brining: Unlocking the Juiciness: One of the tried-and-true methods for achieving moist chicken breasts is brining. Brining involves soaking the chicken in a solution of salt and water before cooking. The salt in the brine helps the chicken retain moisture, resulting in a juicier end product. To enhance the flavor, you can also add herbs, spices, or even citrus slices to the brine. After brining for 30 minutes to a few hours, pat the chicken dry and proceed with your preferred cooking method, such as grilling, baking, or sautéing. You’ll be amazed at the remarkable difference brining makes in the tenderness and succulence of your chicken breasts.
  2. The Magic of Poaching: Poaching is a gentle and foolproof method to cook moist chicken breasts. To poach, place the chicken in a pot and cover it with seasoned broth or water. Bring the liquid to a simmer over medium heat and let the chicken cook for about 10-15 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (75°C). The low, moist heat of poaching ensures that the chicken retains its moisture and results in tender and juicy meat. Additionally, poached chicken can be easily shredded or used in various recipes like salads, sandwiches, or soups, making it a versatile cooking technique.
  3. The Flavorful Delight of En Papillote: Cooking chicken en papillote, or in parchment paper, is a fantastic way to lock in moisture and infuse the chicken with incredible flavors. To prepare this dish, place seasoned chicken breasts on a sheet of parchment paper and fold it over, creating a tightly sealed pouch. This method allows the chicken to steam in its own juices, resulting in incredibly moist and tender meat. You can add aromatic ingredients like herbs, lemon slices, or vegetables to the pouch, enhancing the flavors further. Bake the pouch in the oven at around 375°F (190°C) for 20-25 minutes, depending on the thickness of the chicken breasts. Once cooked, carefully open the pouch to release the tantalizing aromas and enjoy the succulent chicken within.
  4. Searing for Moisture Retention: Searing your chicken breasts before finishing them in the oven or on the stovetop is another fantastic technique for achieving moist and flavorful results. Start by heating a skillet over medium-high heat and adding a small amount of oil. Season your chicken breasts and place them in the hot skillet, allowing them to develop a golden-brown crust on both sides. Then, transfer the chicken to the oven or reduce the heat on the stovetop, ensuring the chicken cooks through without overcooking. The searing process locks in the natural juices of the chicken, preventing moisture loss during the cooking process. The result? Succulent chicken breasts with a delightful crust.
tender chicken breasts
brining in salted water
tender chicken breasts
tender chicken breasts
searing to seal in juices

Some Great Chicken Recipes On The Blog:

Cooking tender chicken breasts doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these simple techniques, you can transform your chicken breast dishes from dry and tough to moist and tender. Remember to start with high-quality chicken, season and marinate it properly, and tenderize if desired. Choose the cooking method that suits your preference, and always use a meat thermometer to ensure the chicken is cooked through. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of cooking tender and succulent chicken breasts that will impress your family and friends at every meal.